A quote I wish I’d written for Valentine‘s Day
Sometimes the phrase “couldn’t have said it better myself” truly applies. Maybe not that I “couldn’t” have but suffice to say Christopher Poindexter beat me to it. Credit where credit is due. More of his words here.
Phoem #4
“Phoems” are a game I’ve been playing. Rule #1: Go through my archive of iPhone photos and pick one. Rule #2: With a minimum of fuss and bother, write a poem to go with. I was shooting to post one Phoem per day but like most everything I try to do daily, it ends up weekly, or as the mood strikes. So be it. For now it’s just good […]
Phoem #3
I almost feel like apologizing for this little slice of weirdness but not all random encounters along life’s roads are happyhappyjoyjoy, sometimes they’re just odd and disturbing. And so I refer you to Rule #7 in the Rebel’s Manifesto ; “Embrace your dark side”. Done and done.
Printing your hand lettering on fabric…oh yes you can.
This past Christmas my wife and I embarked on a brave, 3-month-long mission to produce 13 hand-made messenger bags for our family members, based on the Cooper Bag from Colette patterns. Of course by “we” I mean mainly Sara. She did 95% of the sewing, although I did venture into previously scary territory and during the final week of production, learned how to use a serger and at least […]
“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty” — Erich Fromm
This poster is a commissioned piece by the Dutch magazine Flow for their upcoming DIY issue. The lettering was hand drawn and loosely based on the slab-serif font Rockwell Bold. The illustration was hand rendered using Illustrator and brought onto a layered, hi-res Photoshop file. One side effect of hand-lettering quotes is that you’re forced to live with the words for a long time, so they can really penetrate […]
Working for a Local Institution
Baseball Mary is the ultimate San Francisco Giants fan and somewhat of a force of nature. She’s also famous for her annual invitation-only fundraising party which targets a worthy non-profit or a family or individual in need (one year it was Bryan Stow, the unfortunate SF Giants fan who was beaten within an inch of his life in 2011 at a Giants-Dodgers game in L.A.) This year it’s La […]
In the end only three things matter…
From the last few posts I guess it’s obvious that I’ve been playing around with a more free-form, lattice-type, scaffold kinda thing. What’s different about this piece is that after I scanned the inked page I brought it into Illustrator and did an image trace. All the little awkward joints and intersections got smoother as if it melted together a little. Then it was just about doing some clean-up […]
Got the cover now just need to write something
I often get titles of things stuck in my head before I even know what the hell the thing is. Case in point…this possible short story, essay, novel, poem or whatevs. Actually, I’d probably get sued if I did use it because it’s the name of one of the Firesign Theater’s albums published back in 1971. So as fun as it was to design, it’ll most likely stay as […]