Serenity Now!
From one of the greatest Seinfeld episodes ever. George Castanza’s father admonishes us all to just chill. And do it now, dammit.
The Biomechanics of a Food Craving from a Neuroindustrial Perspective
So I’ve been doing a thing called Whole30 since September 1, wherein you only eat health-promoting food for 30 days and then systematically reintroduce, less health-promoting food (aka everything you really love to eat) so you can observe how stuff like gluten and sugar really make you feel. It’s a bit like doing a clean re-install of your operating system, physiologically speaking. It’s all very scientific and I’ve done […]
The third quote about Courage: “Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.”
This quote is attributed to a psychiatrist who examined a little-known suffragette named Alice Paul in 1917, after she was arrested and imprisoned for protesting in front of the White House. Paul and a small group of women were charged with obstructing traffic and not only imprisoned, but beaten and chained to their rat infested cells. Paul staged a hunger strike which resulted in her being moved to a […]
The 2nd of 3 quotes about Courage. “Courage is tiny pieces of fear all glued together.” –Terri Guillemets
Ever on the lookout for quotes that offer a slightly different take on old shopworn topics, in this case “Courage”, I offer this second snippet of wisdom, this time by Terri Guillemets, a poet I often look to for words that make compelling visuals.
1rst of 3 quotes about courage. “Better to be be slapped by the truth than kissed by a lie.” — Russian proverb
Courage has been on my mind and under my pencil lately, so I thought I’d dig around and letter up what some greater minds have had to say about the concept. This quote popped up on Facebook recently and stood out so I decided to pencil it out during a recent 0-0 Manchester United vs. Chelsea match. This old proverb talks about courage peripherally, which is why I like […]
Illustration Friday :: Power
Good topic this week and ripped from the headlines. This digital pastel piece speaks of the true power behind the power, the string pullers, the puppet masters, whatever other names there are for lobbyists, special interest groups, Super-PACS, and thanks to a Supreme Court that had a collective stroke back in 2008 and then issued the Citizens United Ruling, the “people” that are now corporations.
Illustration Friday :: Jungle
While not exactly a “jungle” creature per se, the African centipede does conjure up vivid memories of my time in East Africa, and in particular one sleepless night spent after a freak dry season rain squall, when all the beasties that sequestered themselves when it’s hot and dry, came out to play…in my mud hut. All night. So along with a 10″ long centipede (which like most animals in […]
Illustration Friday :: Travel
As one of the Editorial Submissions editors for Illustration Friday, I’m embarrassed to admit it’s forever since I’ve actually submitted anything myself. Just so happens I’ve always loved this quote from Anais Nin.
I could really go for some chocolate covered feelings right now
My new friend Camille Harper routinely says stuff that can keep a hand letterer busy for days. So when I read this Facebook post she made a while back I immediately asked permission to commit it to paper, then pixels. My wife told me it’s now her “PMS poster.” I am hereby smiling and nodding. The process: thanks Norma Talmadge I immediately found inspiration in my vintage photo collection […]
High Resolution Chalkboard Backgrounds
NEW! Now get the original .PSD files in high-res In response to multiple inquiries about a customized version of the background, I’m making the original .PSD files used to create the files available in 8.5×11 and 16×20 sizes, both high res. A little more pricey but still a lot less than on stock sites. Check ’em out here. Who knew that a Saturday afternoon inspiration would translate into over […]